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《What did you put in your bag?》 教学设计

2012年12月06日 11:21:52 来源:大连庄河市实验小学 尹美华 访问量:556


语言知识目标:学习目标语句What did you put in your bag? What will you go tomorrow? When will you leave tomorrow? Who is going to go to America? 和四会单词 ticket, toothbrush, leave

 语言技能目标:能够运用特殊疑问词“what, where, when, who” 谈论旅行准备。



教学重点:运用“what, wherewhen, who”引导的句型谈论旅行计划。


教学准备: 多媒体电脑,CD-ROM,卡片,实物,录音机,磁带



Teaching Process

. Preparation

1. Sing a song: Fly, fly in the sky

2. Free talk

T:  Last weekend, I went to the cinema, and watched a new film. It was very funny. I liked it very much. Can you tell me what did you do last weekend?

T: Oh, you did lots of things last weekend, so what will you do this weekend?

T: You are going to do so many things. I think you will have a good time this weekend.

Purpose: This step is to arouse the students’ performance desire, participation desire, and lead the students into a thick English studying atmosphere by singing and speaking. And it can also review the learned knowledge for the next.


. Presentation

Lead in and show the title

Look, this is my bag. There are many things in it. Because I’m going to go

to America. Guess, what did I put in my bag?

Ss: books, presents, clothes, ticket ….


This class we’ll learn new lesson M10 U1 What did you put in your bag?


2. Watch a cartoon and think over the question

T: Tomorrow Daming will leave at six o’clock in the morning. He is going to go to America to visit his grandma. Is he ready for his trip tomorrow? Let’s have a look.


3. Listen to the tape and answer the questions.

a. What did Daming put in his bag?

b. Where will Daming go tomorrow?

c. When will he leave tomorrow?

d. Who is going to go to America?

First, read these questions. Then listen the text and underline the answers.

Can you find the answers? Please talk about in groups.


4. Answer the questions and teach the words and sentences.

T: Who can answer the first question? What did Daming put in his bag?

T: Good. Daming took a ticket. Because he’ll take a plane to America. Do you know “ticket”? 生答“票”。(板书单词)

T: When must you buy a ticket?

S1: When I go to see a film. I must buy a ticket.

S2: When I take a bus, I must buy a ticket.


T: When you go abroad , what must you take? It’s a very important thing for you. Guess, what is it? Yes, you must take your passport. So Daming took his passport. 学说 “passport” (板书单词)

T: Yesterday I bought a new toothbrush, Look at this picture,(出示词卡) read after me, “toothbrush”.看看这个词有什么特点,生答由“tooth”和“brush” 组成。(板书单词)

T: We must brush your teeth everyday, yes?

T: Let’s go on. The second question, who can answer? Where will Daming go tomorrow?

T: Good, Daming will go to the airport. Then he’ll take the plane to America.

T: The third question, When will he leave tomorrow? Do you know “leave”? (板书单词)

d. T: The last question, who is going to go to America?

  T: Yes, Daming will leave at six o’clock in the morning. He is going to go to America to visit his grandma. Is he ready for his trip to America?

5. Listen and read

T: This time I want you to listen and repeat.

6. Practise it in pairs.


. Practice

1. Retell the text.


Ask and answer about you

a. T: Last summer I went to Dalian. I went there in August. I played on the beach. I met my friends there. We had a good time together. Look at the screen. Who can talk with me?(屏幕显示问题)

Where did you go last year?

Where did you go there?

What did you meet there?

Who did you meet there?

Practise it in pairs.(教师与一名学生做示范,其他学生模仿操练)


. Production

Make a survey

  T: This summer holiday is nearly. Where will you go? When will you go ? What will you do?  Who will go with you there? And have you prepared for your trip? Please ask for your classmates in your group, then complete the box. (出示表格)

Write a plan

T: Please write down your plan

Read the plan

T: Who has finished the plan? Can you read it?


. Summary

T: This class we learned three words. The first one is toothbrush.” Do you brush your teeth with your toothbrush everyday? The second one “ticket”. When we take a bus or take a plane. We must buy tickets. The third one is “leave”. When will Daming leave for America? And we learned four special questions with “what, where , when ,who”. Please remember them.

2. Homework

Listen and read the dialoge three times.

Finish your summer holiday plan.

Tell your summer holiday plan to your friends.



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